Native Fishes of Ohio
Daniel L. Rice Gary Meszaros Gary Meszaros
128 pages
The Kent State University Press
Ohio’s original heavily forested landscape included glacial lakes, large rivers, and streams that teemed with an abundant variety of fish, most of which remain resident today. Native Fishes of Ohio documents the more than 130 species originally found in the state and describes how their aquatic habitats have evolved as a result of agriculture and industrial development.Naturalist Dan Rice and photographer Gary Meszaros draw upon more than 40 years of fieldwork and recent hands-on experience to detail the natural history of each species of Ohio fish. The authors provide field identification characteristics and describe each fish’s habitat, ecology, and distribution. The book is profusely illustrated with Gary Meszaros’s spectacular color photographs of live specimens in their natural environment, a resource unique to this volume. The range of shapes and vivid colors will give the reader insight into the fascinating world of the state’s native fishes.
An ideal resource for the nonspecialist, Native Fishes of Ohio will interest nature lovers, teachers, and anglers and is a must for every Ohio school and public library.
Author Bio
Daniel L. Rice was the Chief Zoologist for the Division of Natural Areas and Preserves within the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. He spent 25 years with the Division documenting populations of Ohio’s rare and endangered species and retired in 2002.Gary Meszaros, a retired teacher, has been a nature photographer for more than 35 years. His work has appeared in several books and magazines, including Smithsonian, National Wildlife, National Parks Magazine, Natural History, and Timeline. Previous books include four titles on various facets of Ohio’s natural history.