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Dujardin 3 Book Set

576 pages
Image Cascade Publishing
The DuJardin Non-Series Books include: Someone to Count On; Young and Fair; and Junior Year Abroad. Three Stand Alone Books by Rosamond DuJardin. Someone to Count On. The summer of Twink's junior year at high school stretched ahead. She hoped for a job but so far none was in sight. After deciding that it was a mistake to "go steady" she broke it off with Ronny. Although there might be lonely evenings ahead, at least life would have more variety...and variety there was! Young and Fair. Lissa Powell has always wondered who she really was. Discovered by her foster parents when she was about four during the Chicago fire of 1871, the story begins when she is sixteen years old and forced to go out on her own when her foster mother dies. Junior Year Abroad. Authors: Rosamond du Jardin and Judy du Jardin. The story of an American girl's year of study in France During her junior year at Park College, Missouri, Judy du Jardin, daughter of author Rosamond du Jardin, studied in France for a year at Aix-en Provence.
Author Bio
Rosamond du Jardin was one of the most popular authors of girls series fiction in the 1950s. Her Tobey Heydon and Pam and Penny Howard books are among the most beloved teen romance novels of their era. Rosamond du Jardin first wrote humorous verse and short stories for multiple periodicals throughout the 1940s. She also wrote five novels for adults before her first novel for teenagers, Practically Seventeen, which was published in 1949.