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Marcy Rhodes 4 Book Set

808 pages
Image Cascade Publishing
The Marcy Rhodes Series by Rosamond DuJardin series includes: Wait for Marcy, Marcy Catches Up, A Man for Marcy, and Senior Prom. Marcy Rhodes lives in Westfield with her parents and older brother, Ken. Throughout the series, Marcy matures through meeting new people, traveling and dating a variety of boys. The series has a warm and happy feeling of the 1950s.
Author Bio
Rosamond du Jardin was one of the most popular authors of girls series fiction in the 1950s. Her Tobey Heydon and Pam and Penny Howard books are among the most beloved teen romance novels of their era. Rosamond du Jardin first wrote humorous verse and short stories for multiple periodicals throughout the 1940s. She also wrote five novels for adults before her first novel for teenagers, Practically Seventeen, which was published in 1949.