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Embracing God as Father

Christian Identity in the Family of God

Daniel Bush Noel Due

256 pages
Lexham Press
Jesus said, "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father" (John 14:9). He and the Father are one in their love, joy, and desire to bless.

In Embracing God as Father, Daniel Bush and Noel S. Due show us what God has done, is doing, and does every day as he speaks his Word into our hearts. God searches for the lost and weary to save us, adopt us into his family through Christ, and make us sons and daughters of the one and only Father. This theologically rich and deeply personal book helps us see God as he truly is and see who we are as his sons and daughters.
Author Bio
Daniel Bush (Ph.D., University of Aberdeen, Scotland) is a pastor in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. He is author, also with Noel Due, of Live in Liberty: The Spiritual Message of Galatians.

Noel Due (D.Min., Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson) is a regional resourcing pastor for the Lutheran Church of Australia based in Cairns, Queensland. He has ministered as a pastor, lecturer, and conference speaker for more than 25 years.