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Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution

Steve McIntosh

384 pages
Paragon House
The integral worldview represents the next crucial step in the development of our civilization. Through its enlarged understanding of the evolution of consciousness and culture, the emerging perspective known as integral consciousness provides realistic and pragmatic solutions to our growing global problems, both environmental and political. As McIntosh convincingly demonstrates, the integral worldview's transformational potential provides a way to literally become the change we want to see in the world. This is really two books in one: the first half serves as an accessible and highly readable introduction to the power of integral consciousness, with the second half making a variety of original contributions to the integral perspective and breaking new ground in the application of integral philosophy to politics and spirituality. Moreover, McIntosh provides a much-needed contextualization and critique of the integral worldview's leading author, Ken Wilber, which helps make integral philosophy relevant to a larger audience.
Author Bio
STEVE MCINTOSH is an independent scholar and long-time participant in progressive culture. He is an original member of the Integral Institute think tank, and has taught integral philosophy to a wide variety of audiences, including lectures at Naropa University. An honors graduate of the University of Virginia Law School and the University of Southern California Business School, today McIntosh is president of Now & Zen, Inc., an international manufacturing company marketing "natural lifestyle products" which he has invented. McIntosh has traveled throughout the world and has had a variety of successful careers,practicing law with one of the nation's biggest firms, and working as an executive with Celestial Seasonings tea company.