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Radiance of Being

Understanding the Grand Integral Vision; Living the Integral Life

Allan Combs

350 pages
Paragon House

“Allan Combs...adroitly presents the grand possibility that systems/complexity theory, cognitive neuro-science, and the great mystical traditions can work together to illuminate that most ordinary yet mysterious power we all possess, which Combs prefers to call “subjective presence” or more plainly, “consciousness”.... Combs centers his reader in a consciousness that beholds the entire living museum and artifice of mental structures while also describing the most evolved, if distant-sounding stages in the evolution of consciousness. If while reading The Radiance of Being you become a bit giddy, perhaps it will be because Combs’ words and incisive quotes have guided you into, then out of the labyrinth of the mind and onto that “farther shore” where only the One Shines, ever-new.”—Stuart Sovatsky, California Institute of Integral Studies, Cybernetics & Human Knowledge, Vol. 6, No. 4, 1999

Author Bio
ALLAN COMBS is a senior faculty member at the California Institute of Integral Studies, and author of over one hundred publications on consciousness and the brain. His books include Synchronicity: In the Eyes of Science, Myth and the Trickster, with Mark Holland; and The Radiance of Being (2nd ed): Understanding the Grand Integral Vision; Living the Integral Life, winner of the best-book award of the Scientific and Medical Network of the UK, with a foreword by Ken Wilber.