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The Primitive Church

The Church in the Days of the Apostles

Rev. Fr. D. I. Lanslots

316 pages
St. Benedict Press LLC
How the Catholic Church got started. Covers Sts. Peter and Paul, the first Popes, the written and unwritten word, the Council of Jerusalem, persecutions, the religious life of early Christians, early martyrs, the birth of the New Testament, and much, much more!. Impr. 295 pgs;
Author Bio
The Rev. Father D. I. Lanslots, O.S.B., was a priest and author of the twentieth century. His work The Primitive Church: The Church in the Days of the Apostles records the history of the Church's earliest days, from the Descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost to the final passing of St. John the Evangelist. Father Lanslots' book was originally published in 1926 by the B. Herder Book Company, Missouri. It also received the Imprimi Potest, Nihil Obstat, and Imprimatur upon publication, and was copyrighted by TAN in 1980.