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St. Joseph of Copertino

Rev. Fr. Angelo Pastrovicchi

155 pages
St. Benedict Press LLC
An incredible Franciscan saint (1603-1663), most famous for his miracles, levitations and severe penances. He spoke with animals and could smell the stench of sin in penitents. The devil said of him, "Friar Joseph is the worst foe we have." 168 pgs,
Author Bio
The Rev. Father Angelo Pastrovicchi, O.M.C., was a priest and author of the eighteenth century. His biography on St. Joseph of Copertino was published in 1918 by the B. Herder Book Company, Missouri. While originally written in 1753, Father Pastrovicchi's work was also printed by TAN in 1980 with the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur. It documents St. Joseph's remarkable life, including his severe penances, love of holy things, and frequent instances of levitation.