Introduction to the Bible
Rev. Fr. John Laux, M.A.
352 pages
St. Benedict Press LLC
This book includes the true meaning of Inspiration, guidelines to understanding the Bible and the Chuch's role as the Bible's official interpreter. Also gives an introduction to each of the Bible's 72 books, with well-chosen Scriptural passages from most of the books that render a representative example of what they are like and about. First published in 1932, it is nevertheless not dated; the information contained here remains as valid as the traditional Catholic teaching it presents.
Author Bio
Father John Laux, M.A., was a high school religion teacher who wrote his own Catholic curricular books after spending a large number of years teaching and researching. His works were first published in 1928 and include Catholic Apologetics, Mass and the Sacraments, Introduction to the Bible, Catholic Morality and Church History. He capsulated the Catholic faith extremely well, thanks to his lively prose and succinct way of accurately explaining the details of theology. Though Father Laux originally wrote his books for high school students, they remain very informative for those in college and even adulthood as well. He wrote in a timeless, direct and to-the-point style that continues to present Catholics with in-depth explanations of their faith today.