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God's Garden

Frank Boylan Sally Garland

32 pages
Flowerpot Childrens Press

God took time to plant us a garden and spread nature’s beauty around

Inspired by the original poem by Dorothy Frances Gurney, God’s Garden is a fully illustrated picture book featuring a modern retelling that is sure to warm the hearts of new readers.  Help your young ones discover all the wonders of God's creations that can be found in their very own backyard.

Author Bio

Frank Boylan came to Canada from Ireland in the mid-1950s and spent many years working as an engineer before retiring about a decade ago. While much of his time was spent working in the scientific world, he could occasionally be found lost in the artful world of poetry, both enjoying the work of others and crafting some of his own.

Sally Garland lives in Glasgow with her partner Ronnie and their son Johnny. She studied Illustration and Graphic Design for four years at Edinburgh College Of Art. Sally believes it is the observation of childhood and the imaginative world that children inhabit that is a continual source of inspiration. She describes her work as slightly quirky and whimsical and incorporates both traditional mediums such as acrylic paint and pencil as well as digital packages such as Illustrator and Photoshop.