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Infantry Training, 1905

213 pages
Library of Alexandria
Recruits will be formed for instructional purposes in squads, the maximum number of men in each squad should not exceed twenty. The squad instructors will be most carefully selected. They must be energetic, thoroughly well trained in the art of instruction, and intelligent. They will remain with the same squad throughout the period of training, and will carry out the whole of the instruction, in physical training, drill, rifle and firing exercises, and skirmishing, except as noted in above table. Training in drill, physical exercises, rifle and firing exercises, and skirmishing, is to be as varied as possible; the work for each morning or afternoon should include more than one of these subjects. Equipment will be issued on joining, but will not be worn on parade for the first month. Riffles will be issued as soon as the commanding officer directs, certainly not later than the first fortnight. Marching will be carried out at the discretion of the commanding officer, and, as a rule, in connection with skirmishing practices. At the conclusion of a recruit’s course the officer commanding the regimental district will inspect the recruits in all the branches of instruction. In conjunction with a medical officer he will examine all men considered too weak or awkward to join battalions, and submit a detailed report to the general officer commanding, with a recommendation as to whether such men be retained at the depôt for further instruction, or discharged. The system of the training of the recruit is intended to develop gradually his mental and physical powers, officers commanding will, therefore, be held responsible that the principles of training herein laid down are complied with, and that instruction in musketry and skirmishing is not curtailed in favour of less essential practices.