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The Vow

213 pages
Library of Alexandria
It was a dull November day, and the flickering light from the log fire lighted up one side of John Gaunt’s face—a strong face, with great possibilities in it for good or evil. The eyes were keen and steady; the nose commanding, while the lips were rather full, and would have denoted a nature that might run riot had it not been for the firmly moulded chin. His wealth had been gathered by the use of his brains, and in that fact he took an intense pride. But one thing had been missing from his life—a friend. Acquaintances his check-book had brought, and he possessed the usual parasites that crowd the path of the millionaire. Life had been too strenuous to allow him to realize that he was losing a good deal of its sweetness, but latterly he had been conscious of a fierce longing to find some one who might become a second self—some one in whom he could confide, and whom he could trust with his inmost thoughts. And he imagined that he had found such a one in Lady Mildred Blythe. A footman entered and approached with that deprecating air of the well-trained servant.