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Antiquarian Gleanings in the North of England

213 pages
Library of Alexandria
Some of the sketches constituting these Antiquarian Gleanings were done before the idea of publication presented itself: very soon, however, the author found that objects of antiquarian interest were sufficiently numerous in this Nor Humbrian province to suggest the advantage of going over the field, pencil in hand, and dedicating a small work to its Ornamental Antiquities. In following out this intention, the author has not confined himself to any particular class of objects. In some cases Historical association has determined the choice, in others the rarity of examples of the particular kind of ornament illustrated, but in all cases it is hoped both the connoisseur and the artist will find something worthy attention. In one or two instances the objects may have been represented to the public before with more or less fidelity, but when such are here repeated, as in some measure necessary to enable the book when finished the better to comprehend the moveable antiquities of the province,—other matters of interest from the same locality, hitherto inedited, will be found on the same plate.