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Pioneers of Space: A Trip to the Moon, Mars, and Venus

213 pages
Library of Alexandria
It would be a folly to think, as many people do, that this small pebble called 'Earth' would be the only pebble on which human life exists, when there are trillions of planets and systems far greater in their size than this Earth of ours, and with vaster natural resources than we have. From the spiritual side of life it would be giving the Creator, whoever He may be by name, very little credit for His intelligence, by Him creating far vaster systems and planets than our own and not have them inhabited by His highest form of expression, called 'man'. There really would be no rhyme nor reason for such a creation. So we are endeavoring here to reasonably speculate upon such inhabitation of other planets. To be right, as one possibly could be, we must use the laws known to man upon this Earth, which are the laws of growth or progression, to give us some basis for measuring the intelligence upon other planets and throughout other systems. There is a common urge within every man that calls upon him from time to time to associate himself closer with his fellowman. Yet because his knowledge is not sufficient to permit a feeling of absolute assurance or security for himself and his family, man ignores this call that comes from within himself towards relationship with his fellow beings and founds himself upon the law of survival of the fittest. As a result his struggle for existence is thereby increased. Using this analysis in line with the law of progress, it is natural to assume that in every field of human relationship progress towards such a relationship must be made somewhere whether it be spiritual or natural, for there is no standing still. So if we take our solar system and consider it as a sort of school system with our planet as the first grade classroom, we should find progression from this point on to infinity both in the material and the spiritual. And especially the spiritual, for the finer quality of intelligence could not do anything different than bring forth a finer quality of form. Since the spiritual has represented the finest from time immemorial, it would then naturally reproduce the finest in form and put its binder of mankind into the brotherhood society. We on Earth haven't yet realized this type of life but it is logical to assume that inhabitants of other planets may have done so.