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The Book of Artemas (Complete)

213 pages
Library of Alexandria
The words of Artemas of the scribes that were in Lon in the land of En. Of the things that were and of the things that were to be: concerning men and the things that men did do. Now there was peace over all the land of Eur and amongst all the nations that abode there, it was a time of great content. But Willi, who ruled over the men of Hu, was a crafty man and greedy, and his ways were devious. And when he beheld the prosperity of the land and the industry of those that dwelt round about, and that they did live in peace, the one with the other, his heart grew black within him and his soul vomited envy. Moreover, he was a proud man and ambitious withal. His covetousness was like unto a tree, that being planted in fertile ground, flourisheth mightily; and the independence of the peoples was as gall unto his vanity. Now the son of Willi was a young man, and he was puffed out with pride and his mind was empty; in his living, he was vicious, and his name, it was Mud. And when Mud saw that his father's soul was torn with the violence of his envy and that he coveted that which was not his, it rejoiced him exceedingly. And he laid himself out to entice his father, and did speak many specious words unto him, and was for ever at him. And Mud said unto his father, All Highest, hail! And Willi answered him, saying, Thou art my son: And Mud said unto him, Great art thou above all the kings of the earth, for thou hast served the Lord faithfully throughout the days of thy life. And Willi answered him, saying, Verily have I found favour in the sight of the Lord; and in my sight has the Lord also found favour. And Mud looked upon his father from the side; he gazed upon his countenance with a furtive look, and did see that his father's vanity was without bounds. So he spake unto him again, saying, Thy shadow is as the sun whose rays bring forth warmth, giving life unto all them that are beneath it. And Willi said, That which thou sayest is indeed true; yet doth the sun shine over all the world whilst my shadow is for ever at two hours after summer noon. And Mud answered him, saying, In the evening of thy days shall thy shadow grow long, and it shall spread its shade over all the world; for it is a good world and deserveth well of thee. And the Lord will surely reward thee for all thy righteousness. And Willi said, Verily, art thou my son, and in wisdom art thou second only to thy father. I will make me a covenant with the Lord, and it shall come to pass that I shall have dominion over all the earth and over all the waters that are on the earth. And whatsoever shall be left over, that will I give unto the Lord for to be His own. And I will make might right, and them that bow not down before me, those will I surely slay, both they and their wives and their children and the stranger that is within their gates. And their oxen will I take as an offering unto my Majesty. And their household goods shall be mine by the strength of my sword.