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Report on the New York Botanical Garden

213 pages
Library of Alexandria
This Report is submitted at your request to set forth the results to date of our investigation and study of the grounds of the Botanical Garden, as a basis for comprehensive plans for their improvement. It is a revision, in the light of further discussion and study, of a preliminary report, made in December, 1923. This investigation was set on foot because of an impression, voiced in your Statement of April, 1923, that the grounds of the Botanical Garden are much less beautiful and much less attractive and valuable to the general public, and especially to that part of the public particularly interested in gardening, in gardens and in landscape beauty, than is reasonably to be expected in the leading institution of its kind in the metropolis of the United States. Our investigation has emphatically confirmed this impression, has defined its particulars in many respects, and has begun to make clear the means by which this condition can best be changed to a really satisfactory one. For the purpose of this Report the defects can best be considered incidentally and in connection with the probable means of overcoming them by positive constructive measures directed toward making the Garden by degrees more and more excellent, on the assumption that means can be found to carry forward such progressive improvement in an orderly, well-balanced and reasonably rapid way without any arbitrary limit on the extent of the improvement. As already indicated, this Report is to be regarded as a progress report, as a step toward the adoption of a general program in accordance with which definite plans for improvement may be successively elaborated in the necessary degree of detail.