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Poems by Lionel Johnson

Lionel Johnson

213 pages
Library of Alexandria
To the fairest! Then to thee Consecrate and bounden be, Winchester! this verse of mine. Ah, that loveliness of thine! To have lived enchaunted years Free from sorrows, free from fears, Where thy Tower's great shadow falls Over those proud buttressed walls; Whence a purpling glory pours From high heaven's inheritors, Throned within the arching stone! To have wandered, hushed, alone, Gently round thy fair, fern-grown Chauntry of the Lilies, lying Where the soft night winds go sighing Round thy Cloisters, in moonlight Branching dark, or touched with white: Round old, chill aisles, where moon-smitten Blanches the Orate, written Under each worn, old-world face Graven on Death's holy place!