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Travels in Turkey and Back to England

Edmund Chishull

213 pages
Library of Alexandria
Eight of our nation having lately designed a visit to the church of Ephesus, by name, Messieurs Whalley, Dunster, Coventry, Ashe, Turner, Clotterbooke, Frye, and Chishull, we had first a general meeting, to agree upon what was requisite to the resolution we had taken; at which time Mr. Whalley kindly undertaking the care of our provisions, and the government of our intended journey, we propos’d to make a circuit of our way to Ephesus, that so we might have a larger satisfaction in the sight of those delightsome places, for which Asia Minor was always so justly celebrated. In prosecution of this design we intended to make our first conáck at Norlícui, to which place having this morning dispatched our baggage upon mules, under the care of a janisary and two servants, we ourselves set forward about three in the afternoon, with another janisary, dragoman, servants, and other requisites. Our company completed the number of twenty three light horse. Six or seven other gentlemen of the English factory were pleased to accompany us as far as Norlícui, where arriving in less than two hours, we all found a kind and hospitable reception from Mr. Benjamin Jones and his lady. After a short repast our freinds returned back to Smyrna, and left us employed in providing for ourselves and horses. This care had now taken up the evening, when it being proposed, that morning and evening prayers should be constantly read to the company during the whole journey, we all readily embraced the motion. Hereupon we immediately put this design in execution, and then pitched upon our lodging.