Primer of Ohio Archaeology: The Mound Builders and the Indians
Henry Clyde Shetrone
213 pages
Library of Alexandria
This booklet is issued by the Ohio State Archæological and Historical Society in response to a demand for a brief outline of the main features of prehistoric archæology in Ohio. While intended primarily for use of students in the elementary schools, it is hoped that visitors to the Museum, and the general public, as well as collectors of archæological material, and students of prehistory, may find the brief summary contained herein of interest and value. Since types of archæological specimens are fairly similar throughout the area east of the Rocky Mountains, and particularly within the general Mound area, the information contained in this summary is broadly applicable even outside the boundaries of the state of Ohio. Further, since the course of human development has been basically the same the world over, the simple series of local “relics” selected for this study will serve to illustrate how, through countless centuries of pioneering, human beings have advanced from savagery to civilization, thus making for understanding and appreciation of the present time. The wealth of material on display and in the study collections at the Ohio State Museum will serve as an inexhaustible laboratory in further pursuit of the subject by those who may be so inclined.