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Home-made Electrical Apparatus

Alfred Powell Morgan

118 pages
Library of Alexandria
The purpose of this book is to aid the young experimenter in building and operating his own electrical apparatus and instruments. Every boy of now-a-days experiments with electricity and the right sort of book which furnishes him with ideas gets close to his heart. Of books upon electricity there is no end. That is granted. But there are very few practical books for the young experimenter who wishes to construct miscellaneous electrical apparatus for his own amusement and instruction which really amounts to something and which is worth his pains when the labor has been finished. This book is therefore offered as a volume of instruction for making all sorts of batteries, rectifiers, motors, etc., which are entirely out of the toy class and yet are not so elaborate that they cannot be easily constructed at home by the average boy who is willing to put a little care into his work. The materials required are such that they can he procured without any great expense. It has been planned to present the material in such a manner that it will aid the judgment of the young experimenter and assist him in developing his own ideas. Without exception, all of the apparatus described in the following pages has been actually constructed by the author, not only once but many times and put to a practical test before being embodied into the book. You may therefore be sure that if you follow the instructions carefully, that the result will in each case be a substantial piece of apparatus which is capable of fulfilling all of your expectations. The drawings have all been reproduced on a large scale and in almost every case the dimensions of even the smallest details have been given. Some of the apparatus has been described in the pages of the "Boys' Magazine" and since its publication the readers of that magazine have written to the author asking questions about the apparatus which have enabled him when rewriting the material for publication in book form to clear up many questions and further explain in a little more detail many of the problems which naturally occur to the boy who likes to build his own electrical devices.