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Elements of Trench Warfare

281 pages
Library of Alexandria
This little book has been prepared with a view to placing before the soldier a store of information on the subject of Trench Warfare as it has been developed on the battle fronts of Europe, and giving him some idea of the nature of the service that he will be called upon to perform when the time arrives for him to do his "bit." The illustrations have been carefully prepared and arranged to the end that the soldier may gain a fair knowledge of the subject from them alone. The text is intended to treat the subject in a purely elementary manner that the soldier may be able to understand. The size of the book is such that it may be conveniently carried in the pocket and referred to as occasion requires. The price has been kept down to the point where it is available to the soldier. If the book assists in his preparation for the front and, by reason of the knowledge that he has gained from it, helps to make him more efficient when he gets there, it will have served its purpose.