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Holiday Frolics

Endless Amusement For the Christmas Fireside Containing, the Most Astonishing Feats of Legerdemain, and Astounding Conjurings


118 pages
Library of Alexandria
Legerdemain and Conjuring are words frequently applied to the same object, but the definitions of them are quite different. Legerdemain is that which conveys deception to the eye from philosophical principles, while Conjuring is nothing more or less than Sleight of Hand. Simple as the denomination seems from the title which it bears, many of our first Professors have applied much of their valuable time in developing the mysteries of it; and our young friends may rest assured, that the ascertaining of the power of mechanism has, in many instances,emanated from an hour or two’s amusing experiments. The Tricks, Puzzles, Conundrums, &c. which are now presented, have been selected from the best works,—some have never yet appeared before the Public in print. If the perusal of the following pages, afford one hour’s amusement, the Author’s wishes will be obtained.