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Bellingrath Gardens

Mobile, Alabama


108 pages
Library of Alexandria
The world-famed Bellingrath Gardens unfold their acres of glowing, brilliant colors along the winding banks of the Isle-Aux-Oies River about twenty miles from the town of Old Mobile, and about one mile from famous Mobile Bay. No gardens these that have been planted and seasoned with bygone centuries, but a young and virile landscape fraught with patriarchs of bushes transplanted by the thousands from old-time gardens. It was planned and created by the work and loving care of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bellingrath, and brought to breath-taking beauty and nature’s most perfect setting of Southern shrubs and foliage and towering age-old oaks. And once within the magic portals of this place, enchantment grows with every turn along the flower-banked way—for here dwells beauty—unfolded in the myriad brilliant blooms on every hand. Ethereal Azaleas and Camellias are everywhere, and Gardenias and Sweet Olive fill the air with perfume that lingers along with memories of this famous garden spot. Bridal-like pathways are strewn with falling petals from the fragrant fragile flowers, and majestic arms of giant oaks—gray draped with mystic Spanish moss—form cavelike arches overhead. The roses have a corner of their own, where round and round in pattern of a giant Rotarian Wheel they flaunt their gorgeous colors in strong young buds. Old lavender Wisteria festoons its way along the redolent magnolia trees and brilliant blue Hydrangeas and Altheas and dogwood add a glory all their own to their respective seasons. Most every tree and shrub that likes the gentle clime along the Gulf has made its home within the hundred acres encompassed by the Bellingrath Gardens and found therein the care that lends an added beauty to their untamed growth. The clinging tendrils of a thousand vines have wound their way along the friendly branches of the trees, and woven round their heads a mesh to keep the troubles of a distraught world from penetrating into this place of beauty, quietude and peace.