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As Time Glides On

The Months in Picture and Poem

118 pages
Library of Alexandria
The months are met with their crownlets on, As Julius Cæsar crowned them; With slaves the gentleman thirty-one, And the ladies thirty round them. Day follows night; and night The dying day: stars rise, and set, and rise: Earth takes th' example. See, the summer gay, With her green chaplet, and embrosial flowers, Droops into pellid autumn: winter grey, Horrid with frost, and turbulent with storm, Blows autumn and his golden fruits away; Then melts into the spring, soft spring, with breath Favonian, from warm chambers of the south, Recalls the first. All to reflourish, fades: As in a wheel, all sinks, to re-ascend, Emblems of man, who passes, not expires.