The Hurricane Guide:Being an Attempt to Connect the Rotary Gale or Revolving Storm with Atmospheric Waves
Being an Attempt to Connect the Rotary Gale or Revolving Storm with Atmospheric Waves
Library of Alexandria
In introducing the following pages to the notice of the Public, it is the ’s wish to exhibit in as clear a light as our present researches on the subjects treated of will allow, the connexion between one of the most terrific phænomena with which our globe is visited, and a phænomenon which, although but little known, appears to be intimately connected with revolving storms. How far he has succeeded, either in this particular object or in endeavouring to render the essential phænomena of storms familiar to the seaman, is left for the Public to determine. Should any advantage be found to result from the study of the Atmospheric Waves, as explained and recommended in this little work, or the seaman be induced by its perusal to attend more closely to the observations of those instruments that are calculated to warn him of his danger, an object will be attained strikingly illustrative of the Baconian aphorism, "Knowledge is Power."