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Sport in Abyssinia

The Mareb and Tackazzee

262 pages
Library of Alexandria
I present this book to the Public simply as an account of what I did and saw; and the impressions the different events and scenes made upon my mind. I have written it from notes and my daily Journal. The stories that are in it were told me, some by Natives, others by Europeans; either over the camp fire, or to while away the tedium of a long march, or the ennui of life on board ship. These tales must be taken as they are written; they amused me much at the time, and if they only interest my readers I shall be content. I hope to revisit Abyssinia, but under more favourable auspices; and trust that better luck may attend me. I have spelt the names of places as they are pronounced, having had them repeated over several times to me by our excellent interpreter, Peter Brou.