A July Holiday in Saxony, Bohemia and Silesia
239 pages
Library of Alexandria
What the Bookseller said—A Walk in Frankfort—What the Portress said—Glimpses of Landscapes—Forest and River—Würzburg—Stein Wine—View from the Citadel-hill—A Change of Bedrooms—Coming to an Understanding with the Reader—Good Night! "How happens it," I said to a bookseller in the Zeil, "that a map of Bohemia is not to be had in all Frankfort?" "How it happens?" he answered, with a knowing smile: "because no one ever goes to Bohemia." He searched and searched, as did a dozen of his fraternity whom I had previously visited, and found maps in number of Switzerland, Tyrol, Thuringia, Franconia, Turkey even, and Montenegro; but not the one I wanted.