The Official Monitor of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free And Accepted Masons
77 pages
Library of Alexandria
To the M. W. Grand Lodge of Texas: We, your Committee on Work, to whom was referred that part of the revision of Taylor's Monitor by R. W. Bro. Sam R. Hamilton, P. G. M., which refers to the ritual, beg leave to report that we have carefully examined this work, so faithfully and judiciously performed, and find that Bro. Hamilton has revised, corrected, rearranged and harmonized the Monitor with our authorized ritual, and that although our former Monitor has served a useful purpose so long, we recognize in this revision quite an improvement, and that it will prove of great practical utility. Having as actual workers in Masonry long felt the necessity of a thorough re-vision of our Monitor, we feel that Bro. Hamilton (himself for many years an active worker), has in this revision rendered the Craft a great service, and one that merits and should receive at our hands our most greatful approval.