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Notes on the Book of Genesis

Charles Henry Mackintosh

213 pages
Library of Alexandria
To all who love and relish the simple gospel of the grace of God, I would earnestly recommend the following "Notes on the Book of Genesis." They are characterized by a deep-toned evangelical spirit. Having had the privilege of reading them in MS., I can speak as one who has found profit therefrom. Man's complete ruin in sin, and God's perfect remedy in Christ, are fully, clearly, and often strikingly, presented, especially in the earlier chapters. To Christ's servants in the gospel sound, forcible statements as to what sin is and what grace is, are deeply valuable in the present time, when so much that is merely superficial is abroad. The gospel of Christ, as perfectly meeting man's nature, condition, and character, is comparatively little known, and less proclaimed. Hence, the numerous doubts, fears, and unsettled questions which fill the hearts and perplex the consciences of many of God's dear children. Until the soul is led to see that the entire question of sin and the claims of divine holiness were all and forever settled on the cross, sweet, quiet rest of conscience will be but little known.