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Yoga Vashisht or Heaven Found

74 pages
Library of Alexandria
We have two Yoga Vashishts, one going under the name great, the other small. This is the small book; both hooks are the work of the Rishi Vashisht, and it is the book for those who are seeking truth but not for the ignorant. It is the best book on wisdom and gives seven states of wisdom by understanding the liberation easily to be attained, and it also gives us the seven states of ignorance. It gives spiritual food for those who hunger. "No one can miss the God consciousness within," Swami Ram Tritha once said. It is true and I agree with the Swami. It is the best work for self realization. In it, one will find the answer to, who created this universe; the cause of and how to cure diseases. It reveals the mastery of the Kundalini, the Mother of the Universe, and her power; how to perform levitation, and the secret of the long lived Yogi. How to master mind, and control matter and all the miseries of the world. In the story of Bali, it gives us encouragement and faith, that even a great egoist can attain liberation,—the goal of the Yogi or the truth seeker.