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Shakers Compendium of the Origin, History, Principles and Regulations, Government and Doctrines of the United Society of Believers in Christ's Second Appearing

71 pages
Library of Alexandria
In respectful response to the often-expressed desire of the public, to have the information respecting Shakers and Shakerism, that is now spread through some five or six volumes, concentrated in a Compendium, this work has been prepared by the author and compiler, in union with and aided by, his Gospel friends. It being, as stated in all previous publications by the Society, the settled faith of the Church, from the beginning, that its foundation was Divine REVELATION; and that the records of past Dispensations, and their revelations, can be understood and interpreted aright only by means of a present living revelation; we therefore feel ourselves untrammeled by the letter of yesterday, and write and express our views in accordance with the increasing light of to-day, as we hope and trust, subject to the dictates of "the Comforter," or "Spirit of Truth," dwelling and abiding in the Church, which is gradually, but surely and safely, leading it into the knowledge of "all truth." For "in Christ are hid," as we fully believe, "all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."