The Gospel of Ramakrishna
Swami Abhedananda
199 pages
Library of Alexandria
This is the authorized English edition of the "Gospel of Râmakrishna." For the first time in the history of the world's Great Saviours, the exact words of the Master were recorded verbatim by one of His devoted disciples. These words were originally spoken in the Bengali language of India. They were taken down in the form of diary notes by a householder disciple, "M." At the request of Srî Râmakrishna's Sannyâsin disciples, however, these notes were published at Calcutta during 1902–1903 A.D., in Bengali, in two volumes, entitled "Râmakrishna Kathâmrita." At that time "M" wrote to me letters authorizing me to edit and publish the English translation of his notes, and sent me the manuscrin English which he himself translated, together with a true copy of a personal letter which Swâmi Vivekânanda wrote to him.