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The Pirates of the Prairies:Adventures in the American Desert

Adventures in the American Desert

Library of Alexandria
The present is the second of the series of Indian tales, commencing with the Trail-Hunter, and which will be completed in one more volume, entitled the Trapper’s Daughter. It must be understood, however, that each of these volumes is complete in itself, although the characters already introduced to the reader are brought on the stage again, and continue their surprising adventures through succeeding works. For this, Gustave Aimard can quote the example of his predecessor, Fenimore Cooper, whose Deer Slayer, appears in a long succession of volumes, not necessarily connected, but which all repay perusal. I believe that few who have commenced with one volume of Cooper’s Indian tales, but have been anxious to follow the hero through the remainder of his adventures; and I sincerely trust that a perusal of the Pirates of the Prairies may lead to a demand for the other volumes by the same author, which have already appeared, and for those which have still to follow.