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The Sex Side of Life

An Explanation for Young People

19 pages
Library of Alexandria
We have come across so much rubbish on this subject that we drifted into the conclusion that an honest sex essay for young folks would not be produced by this generation. Recently there came to this desk a manuscript bearing the title The Sex Side of Life and the sub-title An Explanation for Young People, written by Mary Ware Dennett. No editor ever confesses that he reads an article with prejudice, but we will admit that we expected this MS would be “returned with thanks.” It was reasonable to suppose that a laywoman would not succeed where physicians had failed. Even after we had read the introduction we were not convinced, for we have met several books whose texts do not fulfill the promises made by the preface. But after reading a few pages of the essay itself, we realized we were listening to the music of a different drummer. Instead of the familiar notes of fear and pretense, we were surprised to hear the clarion call of truth. Mary Ware Dennett's Sex Side of Life is “on the level.” In the pages of the Medical Review of Reviews, her essay will reach only the profession, but we sincerely hope that this splendid contribution will be reprinted in pamphlet form and distributed by thousands to the general public. We are tolerably familiar with Anglo-American writings on sexology, but we know nothing that equals Mrs. Dennett's brochure. Physicians and social workers are frequently asked: “What shall I say to my growing child?” Mary Ware Dennett, in her rational sex primer, at last furnishes a satisfactory answer. V. R