Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil from Spanish and Portuguese Domination
256 pages
Library of Alexandria
TO THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUIS OF LANSDOWNE, K.G. ETC. ETC. My Lord, I am proud to have been honoured with your Lordship's permission to dedicate to you the following narrative of historical events, respecting which the public has not previously been placed in a position to form a correct judgment. Your Lordship's generous acquiescence enables me to discharge a double debt: First—of thanks to one whose high political character this country will ever warmly cherish;—Secondly—of deep-felt gratitude for the countenance and efficient aid experienced from your Lordship at a period when party faction made me the object of bitter resentment; the injustice of which could in no way be better demonstrated, than by the fact that—in the midst of unmerited obloquy, it was my high privilege to preserve your Lordship's friendship and esteem