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The Rebellion in the Cevennes

An Historical Novel (Complete)

Madame Burette

183 pages
Library of Alexandria
A predilection for the productions of Tieck and a desire to introduce this remarkable work of the great German Poet to a larger circle of the reading world: were the chief inducements, on the part of the translator, for causing it to appear in an English form. As far as regards the manner in which the translation itself has been executed, the writer will be allowed to affirm, that the original has been, in every sense, as closely adhered to, as the idiom of the English language would admit of; to say, however, whether those efforts have been attended with any corresponding success, must be humbly left to the judgment of the discerning critic. HISTORICAL NOTICE OF THE "REBELLION IN THE CEVENNES." From the German of the Conversations Lexicon, 9th edit. Brockhaus