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Science of Trapping:Describes the Fur Bearing Animals, Their Nature, Habits and Distribution With Practical Methods For Their Capture

Describes the Fur Bearing Animals, Their Nature, Habits and Distribution With Practical Methods For Their Capture

Library of Alexandria
Among the many outdoor occupations, trapping the furbearing animals is perhaps the most pleasant and in many instances is also very profitable. Although trapping was one of the earliest industries of this country, the occupation has not passed away, along with the vanishing wilderness, for there is more trapping done today than at any time during the past. Scattered all over North America, in both the thickly settled portions and the more remote districts are thousands of trappers who are each season deriving both pleasure and profit from this unique calling. Trapping in itself is an art. Many of the wild creatures are exceedingly wary and the trapper must match his reason against the instinct, the natural wariness and the acquired knowledge of the animals. This wariness alone has saved some species of animals from extinction, and although man is superior to all brute life, such intelligent animals as the fox and the wolf frequently prove a match for the most expert of trappers. In order to be successful, one must know the wild animals as a mother knows her child. He must also know and use the most practical methods of trapping, and it is my object to give in this work, the most successful trapping methods known