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Library of Alexandria
In the preparation of this text, the pupil, his experience, needs, and interests have been constantly kept in mind. The order of topics, illustrations, and problems have been selected with the purpose of leading the pupil into a clear understanding of the physical phenomena continually taking place about him. The portions of Mechanics that are ordinarily so difficult for the average pupil are not taken up until he has covered considerable ground with which he is more or less familiar and not until he has become somewhat accustomed to the methods of study and the technical terms of the subject. The illustrations and drawings have been selected from a pedagogical rather than a spectacular point of view. Practically all of them are new. The problems and exercises have been selected for the distinct purpose of illustrating the principles taught in the text and for their practical applications. Many direct applications to common every-day experiences are given in order to connect the subject matter with the home environment and daily observation of physical phenomena. Some phenomena are mentioned without detailed explanation as it is felt that the presentation of these subjects in this manner is better for this grade of student than a complete analysis