The Book of Gates
200 pages
Library of Alexandria
THE FIRST HOUR. THIS god entereth into the earth through the Hall of the horizon of Amentet. There are one hundred and twenty ATRU to journey over in this Hall before a man arriveth at the gods of the Tuat. The name of the first Field of the Tuat is NET-RA. He (i.e., Ra) allotteth fields to the gods who are in [his] following, and he beginneth to send forth words to and to work out the plans of the divine beings of the Tuat in respect of this Field. Whosoever shall have these made (i.e., copied) according to the similitude which is in Ament of the Tuat, [and] whosoever shall have knowledge of these similitudes, [which are] the copies of this great god himself, they shall act as magical protectors for him upon earth regularly and unfailingly, and they shall act as magical protectors for him in the Great Tuat. USHEMET-HATU-KHEFTI-RA is the name of the [first] hour of the night which guideth this great god through this Hall