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The Young Sharpshooter at Antietam

EverettTitsworth Tomlinson

264 pages
Library of Alexandria
This story has been written with no desire to revive or even to keep alive the spirit of the struggle between the States. Nevertheless the facts which have made our history and the forces which have entered into the making of the life of our country ought not to be ignored or forgotten. The effect of the conflict was too great for that. The Civil War is now far enough away to enable us to see the heroic, dramatic, and even romantic elements that composed it; and all these, too, free from the bitterness which naturally was characteristic of the times. To-day each side understands the other better, and with a more complete knowledge is able to see more clearly the sterling qualities of both contestants. The appreciation of the importance of Lee's first attempt to invade the North is necessary if one is to understand the struggle which followed. The dash, spirit, and skill of the great Southern leader, as well as the energy and the daring of his lieutenants, are seen to-day more clearly than in the times when his effort was made. What the consequence would have been if General Lee had succeeded, all can appreciate. The battle of Antietam was almost a pivot of the great Civil War