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Ethics Part V. On the Power of the Understanding, or of Human Freedom.

Library of Alexandria
PROPOSITIONS. PROP. I. Even as thoughts and the ideas of things are arranged and associated in the mind, so are the modifications of body or the images of things precisely in the same way arranged and associated in the body. Proof.—The order and connection of ideas is the same (II. vii.) as the order and connection of things, and vice versa the order and connection of things is the same (II. vi. Coroll. and II. vii.) as the order and connection of ideas. Wherefore, even as the order and connection of ideas in the mind takes place according to the order and association of modifications of the body (II. xviii.), so vice versa (III. ii.) the order and connection of modifications of the body takes place in accordance with the manner, in which thoughts and the ideas of things are arranged and associated in the mind. Q.E.D. PROP. II. If we remove a disturbance of the spirit, or emotion, from the thought of an external cause, and unite it to Other thoughts then will the love or hatred towards that external cause, and also the vacillations of spirit which arise from these emotions, be destroyed. Proof.—That, which constitutes the reality of love or hatred, is pleasure or pain, accompanied by the idea of an external cause (Def. of the Emotions, vi. vii.); wherefore, when this cause is removed, the reality of love or hatred is removed with it; therefore these emotions and those which arise therefrom are destroyed. Q.E.D