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Rogers-isms, the Cowboy Philosopher on the Peace Conference

213 pages
Library of Alexandria
Of course this whole Peace Conference talk started from the time Pres Wilson said to Germany "We wont deal with you as long as you occupy invaded Territory." Well the Kaiser come right back at him and said, "If you can show us how we can give it up any faster than we are I wish you would do it," Now the Armistace was signed, and Germany agreed to quit running at eleven oclock on a certain day, Of course we got the word a couple of days before it was really signed, Making everybody have TWO DRUNKS where one would have done just as well, It would have been signed on this first day But the German Generals whom they sent out to sign up, had never been to the front and dident know just where it was, The Kaiser was on the verge at one time of visiting the western front then he said, "No I will just wait a few days till it comes to me," Our Show was playing in Philadelphia when the first Armistace was signed, (The one the saloon men framed up) I was a bit leary of it all the time as I had been there once before when the Union League Club had paraded for a Mr Hughes, Then later they had to put the Parade back,