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Egyptian Magic

Spells, charms and rituals of ancient Egypt

304 pages
Arcturus Publishing Limited
For ancient Egyptians, religion and magic were interconnected in a profound way. So here we see a belief in spells, amulets, charms, magical names and potions that is the foundation of religious life. Encouraged by the priests of Ancient Egypt, this classic work outlines how a person in that society could invoke magic to honour the gods. The modern reader will also be fascinated by sections on dreams, ghosts and astrological information.
Author Bio
Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge (1857-1934) was a renowned Egyptologist who worked at the British Museum in London and made significant contributions to the Museum's collections of cuneiform tablets and papyri as a result of his many trips to the Near East. He was a prolific author who contributed much to the study of hieroglyphics.