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The Periodic Table: Book and Fact Cards

128-Page Book & 52 Fact Cards

128 pages
Arcturus Publishing Limited

Provides a wonderful resource for learning and revision.

The flashcards are a great way for children to test their knowledge.

Author Bio

Janet Bingham writes fiction and nonfiction for children. Her science background includes a degree in Zoology and a long career as a technical editor specialising in chemical business information. Her nonfiction, and much of her fiction, reflects her interest in the natural world. She and her husband live in a Cambridgeshire village and are constantly delighted by the wildlife visiting the garden. Their two grown-up children have flown the nest but are often tempted back to browse the fridge and bookshelves.

Roy Hermelin is a New York city based illustrator, focusing primarily on children's books and design for animation. Roy works digitally using drawing software to create illustrations, and also traditionally using mediums like gouache and coloured pencils.