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The Federalist Papers

The Writings that Shaped the U.S. Constitution

256 pages
Arcturus Publishing Limited

This selection of essays is a painless way to absorb the arguments that lay behind the adoption of the US Constitution.

The Federalist Papers continue to be widely read and studied today for their insights into American political thought and the principles of government.

Author Bio

Fourth President of the United States, James Madison (1751-1836) became known as the 'father' of the Constitution because of his influence in planning it and in helping to draw up the Bill of Rights. Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804) was secretary and aide-de-camp to George Washington. He became a Member of the Constitutional Convention in 1787. John Jay (1745-1829) wrote The Address to the People of Great Britain, stating the case of the early settlers, which won him great acclaim and he also helped to ensure the approval of the Declaration of Independence in New York.

R.B. Bernstein (editor and introducer), Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Law, New York Law School, Lecturer in Political Science, Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership, City College of New York and author of Thomas Jefferson and The Founding Fathers Reconsidered (both for Oxford University Press).