Title Thumbnail

Engineering for Curious Kids

An Illustrated Introduction to Design, Building, Problem Solving, Materials - and More!

128 pages
Arcturus Publishing Limited

Uses a clear mix of pictures, diagrams, and instructions that help to build knowledge, boost confidence, and gain understanding.

Children will explore the history of engineering and understand why it is a fundamental, incredible, magical way to find out how everything works.

Author Bio

Chris Oxlade is an experienced author of information books for children. He has written more than two hundred titles on science, technology, sports and hobbies. He studied engineering at university before becoming an author. He lives in Ilkley, West Yorkshire with his wife, children and dogs. Most of his spare hours are spent hill running, sailing and trying to keep track of ever-changing technology.

Alex Foster is an award winning illustrator based in Margate, UK who specializes in map and children's illustration. He has worked on books for all ages, including adult novels; he has created maps for the Royal Dahl Literary Estate; he runs the map print website Mapsy; and he's even designed a luxury clothing line. His art has been exhibited internationally and in 2015 he won a World Illustration Award from the Association of Illustrators.