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History's Greatest Battles

From the Battle of Marathon to D-Day

304 pages
Arcturus Publishing Limited

A great reference work to the key wars and battles fought from ancient times up to the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.

Features maps, black and white illustrations and photographs.

Engaging and accessible writing for a general interest audience.

Author Bio
Nigel Cawthorne is a graduate of University College, London, where he studied Physics before turning to writing as a career. He has been a writer and editor for over 35 years. He has written, contributed to and edited over 100 books. His other historical titles include: The Bamboo Cage, The Empress of South America, Daughter of Heaven, World at War, The Battles of World War II, Vietnam - A War Lost and Won, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great and Sex Lives of the Great Dictators. He lives in London.