Kabbalah Vol 02
Journal of Jewish Mystical Texts
Daniel Abrams
351 pages
Cherub Press
Studies in English and French
Moshe Idel: Orienting, Orientalizing or Disorienting the Study of Kabbalah: ‘An Almost Absolutely Unique’ Case of Occidentalism
Y. Tzvi Langermann: A New Redaction of Sefer Yesira
Jean Baumgarten: Textes mystiques en langue yiddish (XVIIe-XIXe siècles): Les traductions des Shivú’ei îayyim Vital et Shivú’ei ha-Ari
Avraham Elqayam and Benjamin Hary: A Judeo-Arabic Sabbatian Apocalyptic Hymn
Giacomo Saban: A Mid-XIXth Century Description of the Sabbatai êevi Episode
Menahem Kallus: The Relation of the Ba’al Shem Tov to the Practice of Lurianic Kavvanot in Light of his Comments on the Siddur Rashkov
Charles Mopsik: Un manuscrit inconnu du Sefer Tashak de R. Joseph de Hamadan suivi d’un fragment inédit
Andreas Lehnardt: Pseudepigrapha as Antecedents of Kabbalah: A Selected Bibliography
Book Reviews
Yochanan Lederman: Allison P. Coudert, Leibniz and the Kabbalah, Dordrecht-Boston-London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995, XVII + 218 pp., ISBN 0-7923-3114-1
Benjamin Richler: The CD ROM Collection of the Hebrew Manuscripts of the Library of the Jewish Community of Mantua: ‘Fondo Ebraico’ Mantova
New Books and Books Received
Studies in Hebrew
Yehuda Liebes: Review Essay, Charles Mopsik, Moses de Leon’s Sefer Sheqel Ha-Qodesh, with an introduction by Moshe Idel, Los Angeles: Cherub Press, 1996
Melila Hellner-Eshed: ‘A River Issues Forth From Eden’: The Language of Mystical Invocation in the Zohar
Daniel Abrams: Traces of the Lost Commentary to the Book of Creation by R. Jacob ben Jacob ha-Kohen: An Edition of a Commentary to the Book of Creation Based on the Earliest Kabbalistic Manuscripts
Beracha Sack: The Garments of Adam: A Lost Work of Shabtai Sheftel Horowitz
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