Title Thumbnail

Nekkid Lake

A Gothic Mystery

Noah Bond

520 pages
Mission Investments
Forensic science student Tess Chandler doesn't know what to expect when she shows up at the Allen County Sheriff's Office in the converted stables behind the courthouse. It appears to be the opposite of the high-tech law enforcement she has studied in college. She has gambled that interning at a small law enforcement agency will enable her to see the entire picture. When Sheriff Roy assigns her a multiple-disappearance cold case, she has no idea that she taking on a large federal agency band the supernatural. It's a mystery with a gothic underpinning.
Author Bio
Noah Bond has written novels, songs, screenplays, legal briefs and a law review article. He served as a director of the local humane society for decades. His alma maters are Ohio State and the University of Florida School of Law. He insists that he writes to see how the story ends, and is frequently surprised.