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Practical Electrical and Current Signature Analysis of Electrical Machinery and Systems

243 pages
Success By Design
Written with the field technician, engineer, or reliability/maintenance manager in mind, Practical Electrical and Current Signature Analysis for Electrical Machinery and Systems is an essential working tool for the new and experienced ESA and MCSA practitioner. The book takes the practitioner well beyond the electric motor into incoming power, mechanical components, and driven equipment up to and including complete DFIG wind turbine and powertrain analysis and alternative energy transformers. It is based upon decades of field experience and practical research concluding with an overview of machine learning associated with basic motor data and present applications of ESA/MCSA IoT systems. Whether data collection or continuous monitoring regardless of the technician's choice of technology, you will understand the requirements, capabilities, and limitations to provide accurate prognostics. For managers and engineers who need to understand the capabilities of ESA/MCSA the book provides an easy-to-understand overview of the technology along with extensive real case studies.
Author Bio
Dr. Penrose is the President of MotorDoc® LLC, a registered veteran owned small business, focused on reliability and maintenance field service and consulting. He is the chair of technical standards for American Clean Power related to windpower and serves on the powertrain committee, a past chair of the Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP), founder of SMRP’s government relations programs, chair of the SMRP smart grid, infrastructure, and cybersecurity government relations committees. He serves on several Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards committees associated with electric machinery and insulation systems, grid, and reliability programs, and is a past IEEE webmaster and past chair Chicago Section IEEE. He has over 40 years in the reliability and maintenance industry ranging from the US Navy to electric motor system repair, and reliability consulting to electric machinery design and academia. He was an adjunct professor of industrial engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago and a senior research engineer at the UIC Energy Resources Center. He received 5 UAW-GM People Make Quality Happen awards while serving as a reliability consultant for General Motors and was directly involved in the electric machines for the hybrid Tahoe and Volt as well as the John Deere hybrid 644 and 944 construction tractors, high temperature electric motor design, flywheel motor/generator design, and low pressure/high altitude designs. He is a Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional, NAVAIR and NAVSEA RCM specialist, and a life-member of MENSA, the Vibration Institute, and a Writer’s Union member since 2008. He is the global leading researcher in ESA/MCSA with over 25 years related to expanding knowledge in the technology and applications.